Graduiertenschule für die Geisteswissenschaften

Strohschneider, Anna-Katharina

Wir gratulieren herzlich zum bestandenen Rigorosum
am 15. Juli 2019.

"Averroes and the Latin Commentators on the Conception of Metaphysics as a Science." 

Promotionsstipendium der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (2013-2015) und Forschungsstipendium nach dem Bayerischen Eliteförderungsgesetz (2013).

Kontaktadresse an der Universität Würzburg:
Institut für Philosophie
Residenz - Südflügel
97070 Würzburg

E-Mail an Frau Strohschneider

Erstbetreuer:  Prof. Dr. Dag-Nikolaus Hasse


Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller

Prof. Dr. Peter Adamson (LMU München)

Klasse in der Graduiertenschule:  "Mittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit"

Promotion in der Graduiertenschule ab WS 2012/2013.

My thesis explores Averroes' theory of the subject-matter of metaphysics and its reception in the Latin west.

In his Long Commentary on the Metaphysics, probably written between 1192 and 1194, the Arabic philosopher Averroes (Ibn Rušd, d. 1198) deals with Aristotle's Metaphysics extensively and in depth. I ask which position Averroes defends, and which interpretation he favors when it comes to the controversial topic of the subject-matter of metaphysics. My thesis shows that the traditional view of Averroes as the defender of a purely theological version of metaphysics misses the mark. Averroes presents a nuanced and complex theory regarding the respective responsibilities of physics and metaphysics and the proper place of a proof of God's existence.

I take into consideration the text in the original Arabic, as well as Averroes' sources and points of reference, such as Avicenna's Ilāhiyāt of the Šifāʾ, and I compare the Long Commentary on the Metaphysics to other relevant works by Averroes.

Since Michael Scot's translation of Aristotle's Metaphysics, alongside Averroes' Long Commentary, into Latin in the years 1220-1224, Averroes' reading of Aristotle, his prioritization, his arguments and additions, had a huge impact on the understanding of Aristotelian philosophy in the Western world for centuries to come. While dealing with Aristotle's Metaphysics and as a direct reaction to Averroes' commentary, countless commentaries on the Metaphysics were composed in the Latin world, starting with the 13. century into the early modern times.

In order to be able to analyze the reception of Averroes, I examine if and how Averroes' position and arguments were adopted or dismissed in the commentaries of authors such as Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus, Antonius Andreae, John of Jandun, and Agostino Nifo.