Graduiertenschule für die Geisteswissenschaften

Heß - Presentation

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Effective English Presentation Techniques

Have you ever had to give a presentation? Have you ever been afraid to speak in front of an audience, no matter how small or large? If so, you know that it can be a nerve wrecking experience, especially when you have to address an audience in a foreign language. Here is a chance to acquire some basic skills to assist you to overcome any fear or doubt. A real hands-on experience dedicated to improving and sharpening your presentation skills.

This workshop introduces you to the world of presenting in English. Learn to develop your own style and sharpen your skills with the proper English phrases appropriate for your topic.  This workshop is intended to broaden your vocabulary, polish your pronunciation, improve your body language and present you with tools for successful presentations.


  • Phrases for effective presentations
  • The importance of sign posting
  • Practice skills to improve voice and body language
  • Hands-on experience, you will be presenting three short oral presentations.
  • Vocabulary to introduce graphs and trends.
  • Organizing a presentation to captivate an audience
  • Learning how to sell yourself and your ideas successfully
  • Do’s and Don’ts about presenting
  • Tips to deal with nervousness


Participants should have motivation, interest and a desire to improve their presentation skills. Participants will give short presentations and should bring material of interest or material in their field of study.

Seminarleiterin: Frau Reneé Heß, intelliCoaching

Termin: Montag, 3. Februar und Dienstag, 4. Februar 2014 (jew. 9:15h - 17:00h)

Ort: Gebäude Rudolf Virchow-Zentrum (Gebäude D 15), Gelände Uni-Klinikum, Josef-Schneider-Str. 2, Raum D15.00.047, Erdgeschoß. Wir schildern innerhalb des Gebäudes aus.

Teilnahmeberechtigt: immatrikulierte Promovierende der Graduiertenschule.

Anrechnung auf das Curriculum: Diese Veranstaltung entspricht 1 SWS im Curriculum des Promotionsstudienganges "Geisteswissenschaften" der Graduiertenschule.

Kosten: Die Veranstaltung ist inklusive aller Workshop-Unterlagen für Sie kostenfrei, lediglich die Verpflegung während des Workshops ist nicht eingeschlossen.

Die Zahl der Teilnehmer/-innen ist auf 12 begrenzt.

Anmeldungen von 7. Januar 2014 bis 23. Januar 2014.