Deutsch Intern
  • Beehive
Graduate School of Life Sciences

Individual Sources

Merit Foundations (supported by the German Federal Government)

  • There are 11 merit foundations in Germany supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
  • Together they provide thousands of fellowships based on personal merit. All of them require not only academic excellence but also additional merits in social, cultural or political areas, depending on the basic political and/or religious convictions of the individual foundation.


Industry Foundations and Organisations

Boehringer Ingelheim Fund

PhD Scholarships

  • Deadlines: 1st February, 1st June and 1st October
  • Europeans are supported in Europe and overseas, non-Europeans receive support in Europe
  • Applicants should not have been working on their projects for longer than six months on the closing date for applications
  • Outstanding scientific abilities
  • The dissertation should decisively advance scientific research


Travel Allowances

  • Deadline: None, applications any time
  • Scientists wanting to visit research institutions in order to learn clearly defined techniques they require for their scientific work. This sponsorship may also be granted directly before they begin their doctorate


Schering Foundation

Doctorate Scholarships

  • Deadline: 31st Jan. and 31st July
  • Sponsorship is offered for doctorates that deal with topics of basic research in the fields of biology, medicine and organic chemistry (as well as all resulting interfaces); projects from the fields of botany and dentistry will not be sponsored; projects aiming to carry out clinical studies will also not be considered.


DECHEMA (Gesellschaft für chemische Technik u. Biotechnologie e.V.)


  • Deadline: 25. September
  • Jährlich werden ca. 60 Stipendien der Max-Buchner-Forschungsstiftung zur persönlichen Unterstützung, in der Regel von Doktoranden, vergeben. Gefördert werden Forschungsarbeiten an Hochschulinstituten und vergleichbaren wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen auf den Gebieten Chemische Technik, Verfahrenstechnik und Biotechnologie. Die Fördersumme beträgt zur Zeit 3720 € pro Jahr und Vorhaben.


Various Organisations and Foundations

German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU):

Doctoral Scholarships for research projects in the field of environmental protection

  • Deadlines: 15. February / 15. August
  • Eligible to apply are graduates of higher education institutions with above average examination results up to a maximum age of 28. This applies to projects in all scientific disciplines, insofar as they are of high current relevance and contribute to solving problems in environmental protection and conservation. Particularly welcome are interdisciplinary topics that support sustainable development.


World University Service (WUS):

One-year scholarship

  • Deadline: Current information on the website or on request.
  • Students of all disciplines from the developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America who would like to gain a German first degree or complete postgraduate studies.


Bayerische Forschungsstiftung:

Fellowships for international doctoral students

International doctoral students only in the context of research projects supported by the Bayersiche  Forschungsstiftung may receive a fellowship (1500 €/month, 3 years, plus consumables)




Das Stipendium wird an junge Mitglieder der PEG (Altersbegrenzung 35 Jahre) vergeben.
Das experimentell- oder klinisch wissenschaftliche Forschungsvorhaben muss innerhalb der Fachgebiete, die durch die Sektionen der PEG repräsentiert werden, durchgeführt werden: Grundlagen, antibakterielle Chemotherapie, antivirale Chemotherapie, antiparasitäre Chemotherapie, antimykotische Chemotherapie, Immunologie, Infektionen in der Hämatologie/Onkologie.


For Your Next Career Step: Funding a Postdoctoral Position


Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

  • For research projects outside Germany
  • For Germans and
  • for international postdoctoral researchers who have spent at least three years of scientific work in the German research system and state that they wish to pursue their research in Germany in the future


Temporary positions

  • For research projects in Germany
  • by Germans or international postdocs


Additional more specialised programs for postdoctoral researchers exist


Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Feodor Lynen Research

  • For Germans or foreigners who live in Germany permanently


European Union




The European Molecular Biology Organisation has many different funding lines for young researchers, e.g. Short- and Long-Term Postdoctoral Fellowships


German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina

Postdoc grant


Fritz Thyssen Foundation

link (in German)

Roche Diagnostics

Postdoctoral Program


National Science Foundation

Postdoctoral Fellowships

  • The NSF runs many different programs,
  • most of them for research based in the US, but not exclusively so
