Deutsch Intern
  • Beehive
Graduate School of Life Sciences

GSLS Travel Fellowships

GSLS travel fellowships offer GSLS doctoral researchers the opportunity to participate in international conferences (active participation, talk or poster presentation, is a prerequisite) or support a research stay in a foreign laboratory. Each GSLS doctoral researcher can receive up to 2.000 EUR until graduation. It is important to note that only GSLS doktoranden (doctoral researchers) are eligible to apply for a travel fellowship.

Funding for travel fellowships is based on the location of the meeting or activity attended:

  • Germany: up to 300 EUR
  • Europe: up to 500 EUR
  • Overseas: up to 1.000 EUR

GSLS travel fellowships for medical students

Medical students with an MD fellowship of the Faculty of Medicine or the GSLS who registered with the GSLS and take part in our specially adapted, structured doctoral programme are also eligible for GSLS travel fellowships. They can receive up to 500 EUR until graduation.

How to apply for the GSLS travel fellowships

  • Send an application (in English) including a statement of motivation and details about the conference / workshop/ research stay BEFORE it takes place.  Please also submit a copy of your talk or poster abstract, and verification of your presentation as soon as it is accepted by the conference organizers (the  travel fellowship can only be granted once the acceptance for active presentation is confirmed).
  • Provide estimated or actual costs of your conference / workshop attendance / research stay
  • Provide your current CV with publication record
  • Provide a reference letter from your primary supervisor
  • Please note that the GSLS travel fellowship will not cover the daily allowance ("Tagegeld"). You may not necessarily receive the full amount of the travel grant.

Please send your complete application as one single PDF document with scanned original signatures at least 14 days BEFORE it takes place to: (Subject: Travel Fellowship_NAME)

For administrative queries (i.e. business travel application, reimbursement process), please contact:
Mrs. Barbara Valin, Phone: 31-85509, Email: